After taking a look at some more of the foundational elements of community, we wanted to continue that conversation into July and focus on a key part of those foundational elements: metrics, analytics, and value. While we took a couple of looks at a bit of these topics in June by touching on reporting strategy and research, we know that metrics & measurement are always popular topics and we can always learn more.
Because there is always work and learning to be done, we've decided to focus on Measuring What Matters for the month of July in TheCR Network...

We took a look at metrics in late 2019, but we know we can always revisit and explore more, so we want to use July to not only look at examples and insights, but also explore how to apply, interpret, and communicate what we're measuring.
After the launch of the State of Community Management 2020 report early last month, we've been thinking a lot about value and how communities are doing with measuring and conveying that value. This year's report broke findings down by use case, revealing that internal communities, especially, have a lot of potential they could be fulfilling.
To follow-up to those findings and continue the conversation on metrics and value, we're opening space on calls and in other forms of programming to hear more about how our peers are determining, finding, exploring, and measuring what matters.
Under the theme of "Measuring What Matters", we'll be holding the following Roundtable Calls:
We'll also be hosting our usual user group calls and other networking and learning opportunities to allow for space for members to engage and connect around shared topics of interest:
This month, we're also opening up space for skill-building and learning as we host our fourth official meeting of the Public Speaking Lab on July 1. To hold space for collaboration and peer learning, we're also offering the opportunity to pick a member's brain with our Ask Me Anything with Natasha Green (July 13 - 17).
To keep the conversation going between calls, we're also looking forward to launching discussions, poll questions, and opening up virtual space to explore how others have implemented these kinds of programs in their own communities.If you can't wait and you want to dive right in, we encourage you to RSVP to a call linked above, open up your own discussion in the Roundtable group around a question, challenge, or idea you have, and/or leave a comment below if there's a topic that you think we're missing. We're actively planning for the months ahead, so we're happy to bring you and your ideas aboard at any time!Next up, July!---------If you want to refresh on what we talked about over the past several months, you can find more at the following links:
If you're not a TheCR Network member and are interested in learning more about our themed programming (or just about TheCR Network in general), please feel free to reach out or head over here directly to Join TheCR Network!#2020_Metrics#metricsandmeasurement#community_value#metrics