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June 2021 in TheCR Network: Measuring What Matters v3

By Kelly Schott posted 06-04-2021 11:49


Since we spent the last month looking at the impact of not only our communities on the organization but the impact of elements of community programs (like content and programming) on the organization and member base, it would only make sense to continue that line of thinking into our next month and look more at the data behind it.

Coupled with the public launch of the newest State of Community Management report, we will be spending the next month thinking more about the data, metrics, reporting, research, and other pieces that fall into place to help us define, showcase, explain, and communicate the value our communities are creating.

So, for the month of June in TheCR Network, we are looking forward to, once again, focusing on Measuring What Matters:


Under the theme of Measuring What Matters, we are looking to discuss how we create and manage our data and metrics reporting, how organizations approach year-over-year metrics as well as program-specific metrics, and how we can understand what data is important to which people.

The following Roundtable Calls and events are designed to get into these conversations:

We will also be holding Work Out Loud threads, New Member Call, and platform cohort meet-ups as scheduled, including:

If you cannot wait and you want to dive right in, we encourage you to RSVP to a call linked above, open up your own discussion in the Roundtable group around a question, challenge, or idea you have, and/or leave a comment below if there's a topic that you think we're missing. We're actively planning for the months ahead, so we're happy to bring you and your ideas aboard at any time!

Onto June!


If you want to refresh on what we talked about so far this year, you can find more at the following links:

If you're not a TheCR Network member and are interested in learning more about our themed programming (or just about TheCR Network in general), please feel free to reach out or head over here directly to Join TheCR Network!

