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July in TheCR Network: Developing Community Skills

By Kelly Schott posted 06-25-2021 13:06


After spending June look at how we measuring what matters in our communities (including metrics as well as culture and the feedback we get from our members, the next step is knowing what to do with all of that data and information. How do we know what to do with it? We have the skills, or know how to find people with the skills (which is also a skill!), to find out!

A large part of being successful in any role is continuing to learn, grow, and develop new skills, and community management is no exception. We all come from a variety of backgrounds with vast experience in many different areas, roles, and circumstances, so part of developing our skillsets is to understand what we have already and hone that in order to find a place in our community-focused roles where those skillsets naturally fit.

So, for the month of July in TheCR Network, we are looking forward to digging a little deeper and focusing on Developing Community Skills:


Under the theme of Developing Community Skills, we aim to discuss how we have built, continue to build, and will build skills relevant and valuable to our work in community. This can include practical, tactical skills based in the day-to-day projects that keep communities running smoothly and engaging members, as well as the larger, conceptual skills that allow us to think strategically and make the decisions that will see our communities growing and evolving.

The following Roundtable Calls and events are designed to get into these conversations:

We will also be holding Work Out Loud threads, New Member Call, and platform cohort meet-ups as scheduled, including:

If you cannot wait and you want to dive right in, we encourage you to RSVP to a call linked above, open up your own discussion in the Roundtable group around a question, challenge, or idea you have, and/or leave a comment below if there's a topic that you think we're missing. We're actively planning for the months ahead, so we're happy to bring you and your ideas aboard at any time!

Let's get into July!


If you want to refresh on what we talked about so far this year, you can find more at the following links:

If you're not a TheCR Network member and are interested in learning more about our themed programming (or just about TheCR Network in general), please feel free to reach out or head over here directly to Join TheCR Network!
